Suchit Sahni

hello art lovers

Suchit’s work mostly revolves around his memories and his surroundings. He has  always been influenced with what he sees on a day to day basis and that forms the main content of his work.


His art is mostly related to human interactions with their surroundings and the relationship of humans with the world around and vice versa. His idea is to get a reaction from the viewer, of “I have seen this, I have been there“. His focus remains at building a personal connect of his work with the viewer.

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Something where his artworks take the viewer back into a memory of their own. He moves around the city of Delhi and captures images from those places which had made an impression on his mind during his growing up years.


These photographs act as primary sketches for his paintings. Considering them as a starting point for further alterations and manipulations he approaches the canvas. He use Acrylics on a fine cotton canvas.

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“Displaying artwork is a great way to spruce up your walls, create conversation pieces and create a flow to the decor of your home.”

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ARTinsic is a platform that sheds light on contemporary Indian art & artists. Shreya Chadha is an art enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Warwick and has successfully completed courses such as Art History, Business & Writing from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art.
