Seema Dua

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Seema Dua is a Delhi based, self taught sculptor. Her style is focused on figurative sculpture. For her, It is much more than just the face of it, it is more about the aesthetics. The interior aspect of her work is what she would like people to connect with. The idea of the inner spirit, an important part of our existence which is so much more than the façade we put up on the exterior.


Her works aim at connecting us with our rough exterior and our exposed interior, the physical world and our inner self, the real world and our non-corporeal self, the exposed self and the space within each of us that we don’t allow others to see. She works in various mediums such as fibreglass, metal, bronze, aluminium and often even adds a touch of acrylics to her pieces.

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ARTinsic is a platform that sheds light on contemporary Indian art & artists. Shreya Chadha is an art enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Warwick and has successfully completed courses such as Art History, Business & Writing from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art.
