Rakesh Tiwari

hello art lovers

Rakesh Tiwari, is a 47 year old Indian born Artist with natural talent to draw and paint. His journey in Art started 40 years ago, when he won his first Art competition. It has been a passion ever since and his talent has evolved over the years.


He does not have a degree in Art, however has received formal education and training in art and drawing. He is a Gold medalist in his Post Graduation program and has had diverse career of 25 years through which he rose to the top in a very short duration of time. Today, he is a Freelance consultant and he follows his passion for Art as a dedicated and professional artist.


He is a multi-medium artist, dabbling in Acrylic, Watercolors, Inks using brushes, fingers and strings with a distinct and unique style for each medium. Rakesh is also a sculpturist. His love for nature, people and cultures, is evident through his bright and colorful work of arts showcasing his passion for it in different mediums. His art is the world he sees around him.

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ARTinsic is a platform that sheds light on contemporary Indian art & artists. Shreya Chadha is an art enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Warwick and has successfully completed courses such as Art History, Business & Writing from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art.
