Meher Kohli

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Meher Kohli is a Delhi-based artist whose subject matter focuses on nature, whether it is the beauty of horses, leopards or a towering tree. She believes that everything is captured in the spontaneous strokes of charcoal on paper, where the power of black and white makes the subject appear mysterious and real at the same time. Pops of colour are used to ignite and up the tranquility of the black and white works – giving them life. Interestingly, charcoal is a rarely used medium, given its frangible ability to smudge that makes it difficult for one to go back and make corrections.

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ARTinsic is a platform that sheds light on contemporary Indian art & artists. Shreya Chadha is an art enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Warwick and has successfully completed courses such as Art History, Business & Writing from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art.
