Ayesha Seksaria

hello art lovers

A keen student of the arts, Ayesha Seksaria has been honing her skills in canvas art for over eight years. Her unabashed strokes, plethora of textures and use of vivid colour is her signature style.


She experiments with acrylic and resin as her mediums, fusing them into her masterpieces. She draws her inspiration from nature and a wide range of human emotions. Her art has a therapeutic familiarity that resonates with a wide audience.

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“Displaying artwork is a great way to spruce up your walls, create conversation pieces and create a flow to the decor of your home.”

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ARTinsic is a platform that sheds light on contemporary Indian art & artists. Shreya Chadha is an art enthusiast, writer and entrepreneur based in New Delhi. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics from the University of Warwick and has successfully completed courses such as Art History, Business & Writing from the Sotheby’s Institute of Art.
